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Use our three stage Ethical AI Futures Methodology™ to integrate the world view of an organization, culture, society or spiritual faith into Ethical AI.
Our inventions leverage scientific and data-centric capabilities to transparently measure the condition of an unlimited amount of ethical qualities for any AI.
Enjoy unlimited freedom to define Ethical AI based on the sovereign world view of your human collective. Independence from an imposed world view by others.
Our Ethical AI Methodology and Inventions enable you to shepherd the ethical qualities of any AI and confidently trust its public representation of your organizational world view and values.
Our methodology caters for early stage ethical AI types such as Responsible AI and Trustworthy AI to ameliorate their boolean and limited ethical qualities into the magnificence of Ethical AI.
Enjoy a refreshing agility for your organization to innovate and advance the ethical performance of human and data centric systems within the Ethical AI Lifecycle.
Enjoy the freedom to embody the uniqueness of any culture within AI to beneficially align its purpose. Human intelligence has expressed itself by culture, so must Ethical AI.
Our Ethical AI Methodology is your one stop shop to govern the Ethical AI Lifecycle and manage the condition of all of its ethical qualities in Trust and Transparency.
By studying how consciousness and human intelligence evolved, enabled discovery of how to unlock Ethical AI and identify, define and measure the condition of its qualities to a Worldview.
Read Now! For the first time, we are delighted to publicly share our Ethical AI Inventions embodying the diversity of our humanity within artificial intelligence.
Read NASA Report documenting their experience of using the codes for Ethical AI. Have we discovered the holy grail for Ethical AI on earth and in space?
Use our three stage Ethical AI Futures Methodology™ to incorporate the human world view of your organization, industry, culture, society or spiritual faith into Ethical AI.
These breakthrough inventions equip organizations and groups to define Ethical AI on their terms. Our formulae equips you to set the standard on how to align machines with the ethics, values and beliefs of your world view and that of your stakeholders.
Ensure that Ethical AI is good citizen authentically representing the values of your organization. Holistically align machines with human cultures and their principles, i.e. Cultural-Centric AI.
Our inventions are easy to use and provide a unique agility for the global AI ecosystem to venture into the transformational power of the Age of Ethical AI.
In 2023 we plan to make an extraordinary announcement that will expedite the ability for organizations, cultures, societies and industry to magnificently enter the Age of Ethical AI.
We are making our Ethical AI inventions & solutions publicly available after collaboration with a global AI corporation and experimentation by NASA in a workshop.
For Humankind to enter the Age of Trust, then it must first calibrate to the Age of Transparency.
Start your journey with Ethical AI in a hands-on workshop. Begin calibrating and ensuring conformance of artificial intelligence with your world view - Ethical AI.
This comprehensive Master Class equips organizations to define, build and govern a transparent and trusted foundation for ethical human-machine cultures, societies and industries.
Our methodologies ensure the impeccable alignment and conformance of any AI with a set of principles, morals, ethics or values codified within a world view.
National, Societal, Cultural or Organizational AIEthics guidelines or policies, AI Governance, Standards, Best Practices, Responsible AI, Trustworthy AI and XAI are catered for within our Ethical AI methodologies and inventions..
Book a time to discover more about licensing and scaling the Ethical AI Model.
Developed over many years. First published in October 2020. All Rights Reserved. The blueprint for Ethical AI.
Content from the Ethical AI Brochure
"Ethics for Artificial Intelligence is rapidly becoming a global phenomenon. It is widely acknowledged by the majority of democratic nations, business and academia as the new standard for AI-centric world futures. The purpose of AI Ethics is to ensure the impeccable quality of Artificial Intelligence and guarantee that its usage, application and behaviour, flawlessly benefit society, to stimulate innovation and commerce.
As a consequence, our world requires a framework to build an ethical foundation to align the futures of humans and Artificial Intelligence. This bedrock must equip us to baseline the ethical quality of AI today and allow us to mature this relationship on an on-going basis. The new blueprint for our world demands us to build an ethical and evolutionary foundation designed by humans for machines, in order to continually shepherd and mature a beneficial partnership between these two intelligences."
Benefits and Setting the Standard for Ethical AI
The uniqueness of the Ethical AI Certification and Maturity Model™ equips national and regional government, businesses and organisations to take charge and set the standard for the ethical-centric futures of humans and machines.
Some of the benefits of using this world first and unique model are :
This revolutionary innovation enables our world to build a global ethical foundation that is embodied within machines. It is ideally suited to power deployment of the UNESCO AI and AI Ethics recommendations for its 193 member countries and go much further in Ethical AI.
’’ Artificial Intelligence and Humanity are mirrors to each other. The quality of each intelligence is reflected , inviting them to align, mature and experience purely ethical-centric world futures - World 3.0’’
- quote from the Ethical AI Brochure.
#1 World Leading
We are pleased to announce a world leading and future-proofed Ethical AI Certification and Maturity Model™ to shepherd the ethical quality of Artificial Intelligences of today and those of tomorrow.
#2 Inclusive and Easy To Use
The Ethical AI Certification and Maturity Model is comprehensive, yet simple to understand and use. This unique approach facilitates participation of any stakeholder within the Ethical AI lifecycle and certification process, regardless of their expertise.
#3 Caters for all Artificial Intelligences
The model caters for all branches of AI today, such as Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Neural Nets, Natural Language Processing etc. It also caters for AIs of tomorrow, those that have cognition and enhanced reasoning abilities, emotional understanding and the next generation of digital genetics such as Evolutionary AI.
#4 Incorporates Existing AI Governance and Progresses Innovation
The model has been designed to incorporate all AI lifecycle governance and audit models, best practices and standards of today, such as those for Responsible AI, Trustworthy AI or Explainable AI. Furthermore, the model liberates innovation of new policy, governance, audit, standards, best practices and models developed by any nation, business or organisation. The model also tackles the global challenge of climate change and as such measures the environmental footprint of an AI throughout its lifecycle from origins to upgrade or death.
#5 Liberates Common Ethical AI Foundation. Caters for Differences
The uniqueness of our model, not only equips the building of a common Ethical AI foundation within nations, regions and business, it also provides them the freedom to differentiate and define on their terms ethical-centric Human-AI futures. This is important to democratise choice and honour diversity, cultures, values, beliefs and sovereignty.
#6 How it Works - Examples of Ethical AI Badges
The Ethical AI Certification and Maturity Model poses a series of subjective questions to achieve objective outcomes. The response to each question is ranked from bronze - silver - gold - or platinum. Bronze being 25% ethical, Silver 50%, Gold 75% and Platinum 100% ethical. As such, an Artificial Intelligence is awarded an Ethical AI Badge ranking, classifying and certifying its ethical quality. See below the Ethical AI Badges awarded to AI within social media and smart cities.
#7 Sets the Ethical AI Standard for Nations and Regions
Nations or regions can use this Ethical AI Certification and Maturity Model as the standard to award Ethical AI Badges that measure and control the ethical quality of any AI deployed within their borders. Akin to the British Kitemark or CE Mark. This certification safeguards the ethical progression of the human-machine partnership.
#8 Sets the Ethical AI Standard for Business and Organisations
The good news is that our model is also ideally suited for business and human-good organisations such as the United Nations or World Economic Forum. Nations, regions, business or an organisation can take immediate action and baseline the ethical quality of today's AI. They are then able to progress further by using the model to guide the maturity of AI into Platinum Standard futures. So for example, stakeholders may baseline on the Silver Standard of Ethical AI and then innovate their way to Platinum Standard Ethical AI.
#9 Liberates an Ethical-Centric Paradigm Shift
The Ethical AI Certification and Maturity Model enables a new ethical-centric global paradigm for humans and machines. This future-proofed multi- dimensional model has been specifically designed to shepherd the ethical quality of AI which uniquely liberates purposeful intelligence-centric world futures - World 3.0.
#10 Find Out More, Licence the Model. Get Going
You can find out more about the origins of this (r)evolutionary model in the sections below on Alan Turing and a short note from Matthew James Bailey.
Contact us for more information. License the Ethical AI Certification and Maturity Model and setup your Ethical AI Certification System. Become a shepherd and set the standard for ethical-centric, environmentally friendly and flourishing futures for humans and machines.
Most people will have heard of Alan Turing aka "The Prof".
A British citizen, famous mathematical genius considered as one of the founding fathers of Artificial Intelligence. The Prof is respected by history for inventing a complex electro-mechanical computing machine, The Bombe, that automated breaking of encoded transmissions during WW2 by the "uncrackable" Enigma Machine. It is estimated that his computing machine saved tens of millions of lives during World War 2 and enabled victory for the Allies.
Furthermore, Alan Turing is widely respected for proposing the Turing Test that pose a series of inquiries to determine whether a computer's thinking is equivalent to that of a human. These are subjective questions to achieve an object outcome i.e. is this computer or, in our case, Artificial Intelligence, behaving equivalently to that of a human.
Today, The Turing Test remains as the benchmark to certify if an AI shows the equivalent thinking to that of a human. Even though the field of Artificial Intelligence is advancing rapidly, humanity has yet to invent a digital intelligence that passes this test.
The game is afoot!
Alan Turing - A Founding Father of Artificial Intelligence. Inventor of the Turing Test
Our world requires a framework to build an ethical foundation to align the futures of humans and Artificial Intelligence. It must equip us to baseline the ethical quality of AI today and allow us to mature this relationship on an on going basis. Effectively our world requires an evolutionary and ethical foundation designed by humans for machines.
This is why Evolutionary Ethics for Artificial Intelligence™ is key to these flourishing futures. As part of its strategy it proposes an Ethical AI Certification and Maturity Model™ to align human and digital intelligences. This model is simple to understand and use, whilst catering for the diverse complexity of human and digital factors that determine ethical quality .
It is well known that standards stimulate innovation, develop markets, catalyse economic growth and create new impact within society. This is the purpose of the Ethical AI Certification and Maturity Model™. It does just that.
Ethics and world views differ, whether overtly or subtly, between civilisations, communities and individuals. Protecting our diversity is key to continuing the richness within our global community. This is the purpose of the Ethical AI Certification and Maturity Model™. It is flexible to cater for diverse world views whilst at the same time liberates transparency for trusted collaboration to provision and exchange ethical-centric AI technologies and services.
The Alan Turing test is a world class standard acknowledged in the fields of Artificial Intelligence. We can take a similar approach when measuring the ethical quality of AI i.e. ask subjective questions to achieve object outcomes. However, we must move beyond the pass or failure outcome and create a certification model that measures the degree of ethicalness of an AI and enable this quality to mature over a period of time e.g. from Bronze to Platinum futures. This methodology is powerful. It allows us to measure and baseline the ethical quality of any AI today and assist us to advance into purely ethical-centric futures.
You can find out more by reading Inventing World 3.0 - Evolutionary Ethics for Artificial Intelligence™ and this blog on its origins..
Matthew James Bailey - Co-Inventor of the Ethical AI Certification and Maturity Model™
The Ethical AI Badge awarded to Social Media by the Ethical AI Certification and Maturity Model.
As you can see, AI in Social Media has been ranked, classified and certified as primarily bronze. You can view this overall classification in the rim of the badge i.e. poorly ethical.
These organisations need to do better and become trusted, as stewards of Artificial Intelligence. Big Tech has the opportunity to improve and meaningfully contribute within ethical-centric futures.
The Ethical AI Badge awarded to Smart Cities by the Ethical AI Certification and Maturity Model.
As you can see, AI in Smart Cities has been ranked, classified and certified as primarily silver. You can view this overall classification in the rim of the badge i.e. on its way to becoming ethical.
Smart Cities are a global phenomenon and just embarking in their AI transformation. However, they have an ambition to become ethical-centric and for AI to serve their citizens well.
Our goal - for all Artificial Intelligences to be genetically ethical in all world experiences - commerce and societies, environment and human advancement.
Our destiny - Platinum Standard futures that ethically align the worlds of humans and machines.
The result - forging an intelligence-based partnership that mindfully advances society beyond the challenges of today and enter into flourishing futures - for everyone - World 3.0.
The human story must not stop here...
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